End the Suffering of Stray Dogs & Cats
The streets of Romania are home to millions of stray dogs and an alarming growing number of cats.
Many of them are sick or seriously injured and won’t make
it without life-saving emergency treatment.
This is YOUR chance to help them.
ROLDA treats and provides shelter to over 600 dogs every month. With no government funding, this work is only possible because of people like you: people who decided to join from a far distance, our team.
If more animals are to be saved, we need YOU to become a ROLDA Global Parent TODAY.
All our sponsors automatically become members of the ROLDA Global Parents group and will receive a special badge, a lifetime-sponsor certificate and your dog’s paw-printed as a token of our thanks, which will arrive framed with the provision of a mailing address. ROLDA respects the environment and minimizes our carbon footprint by using as little paper as possible, what we can be sent by email in secure formats.
Sponsor a #roldadog
Become a ROLDA Global Parent!
All our sponsors automatically become members of the ROLDA Global Parents group and will receive a special badge, a lifetime-sponsor certificate and your dog’s paw-printed as a token of our thanks, which will arrive framed with the provision of a mailing address. ROLDA respects the environment and minimizes our carbon footprint by using as little paper as possible, what we can be sent by email in secure formats.
Choose your payment method


The story of Rambo #ROLDAdog

On the grounds of an old and deserted factory plot in Galati, Romania, a wounded stray dog struggles to survive.
He wanders around this rocky and dusty land with a mutilated paw. It is a grisly open wound that has been carved out by flesh-eating maggots. The dog can only watch and whimper as these larvae move around inside his rotting gash. Licking his mangled paw is just too painful.
From afar, we see him resting in the shade, under a dying tree. We have come to rescue him.
We take soft footsteps as we approach, but the pebbly earth alerts the lonely dog. He sees us. Immediately, we stop. The last thing we want is to frighten him and see him run in his condition. I take out a bowl and set it on the ground. I pour in some water so that he can see.
RAMBO Adopted in Sweden
The dog remains still.
We patiently wait for him to make a move, but he just keeps staring at us.
I pick up the bowl and start towards him again, gingerly, but he stands and runs away, dragging his hind leg.
He is fast, but his balance is weak. He hides under a rusty car, panting heavily and wailing from the pain. We feel terrible but we need to take him to the vet.
I place the bowl under the car, close to him, but he flees. We follow him, slowly.
He wants to cross a stream but doesn’t feel safe. He then tries to find shelter on a sheep farm, but he is attacked by guard dogs. We keep hoping that he will become tired and let us help him, but he doesn’t. We are growing worried because we know he is in excruciating pain, but we don’t want to cause further injury and stress by chasing him.
He returns to the plot to find a safe hiding place. He is whimpering more now.
We can’t keep putting him through this. I tell my partner to use the tranquilizer because there is no other way to rescue him in his condition. My partner agrees.
Our vet examines the dog. Apart from the ghastly wound on his paw, some of his bones are shattered. It appears that he was struck by a car. After further tests, our vet sadly determines that the leg needs to be amputated. The injury is too severe, and he has had it for too long, probably weeks.

We are heartbroken, but we understand.
The dog is awakening from the anaesthesia. He has beautiful brown eyes. My partner and I decided to call him Rambo because he is so brave and strong.
As I caress his amputated leg, I can’t help but cry. How long has he suffered? Why couldn’t we find him sooner? Perhaps we could’ve saved his leg. I wipe my tears before saying goodbye because I don’t want to worry him. He needs his rest.
I kiss his snout and look into his eyes. I no longer see fear. I see relief and gratitude. It’s like he is saying, “thank you for saving me.”
“See you tomorrow,” I say. I can feel fresh tears swelling in my eyes. But they are happy tears.
The gratitude of a dog like Rambo is something exceptionally special. During the time spent at the clinic, Rambo created a special bond with the medical staff and from the scary, lonely dog he used to be, Rambo is now the vet best friend, showing affection signs that can melt anyone’s heart instantly!
You may not be in Romania, but joining the ROLDA Global Parents group, you will be saving the lives of desperately sick or injured animals that have nobody else to turn to.
The suffering stray animals of Romania desperately need you on their side. You are the only hope they have. Will you please join us to help them?