When you add your name to our petitions, you make a real change for animals

Justice for Hope and her puppies
Hope is the mother of 8 pups. She lived on the streets. She and her 8 pups lived from food scraps. One day, a man attacked Hope by strangling her with his bare hands. Annoyed that Hope didn’t die, he hanged her from a tree for several minutes. Meanwhile, her babies were waiting, crying and hungry, for her mom to come back. Hope was unconscious for a few minutes, and when she regained consciousness, Hope crawled under a building’s ruins where her babies were hiding.
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Help us free captive animals in Romania!
In Romania, animals such as wolves, snakes, bears, monkeys, and lions are illegally owned by individuals for hobby and profit. These animals have been smuggled into the country or trafficked further abroad without regard for their wellbeing. Sign to release wild animals kept illegal in captivity by individuals for entertainment! Free Captive Animals in Romania!
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Petition agains fireworks
Every year, animals suffer from the use of fireworks. Most of them feel distressed during the New Year Celebrations and need special attention, many run away from home, while the strays get injured or even killed by them.
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Help ROLDA break the dog chains!
The practice of keeping dogs in chains is classified as animal abuse. It causes physical harm as the chains dig into the dog’s flesh, it keeps them in insanitary conditions, and being constantly restricted traumatizes them.
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Help Us Close Down the Illegal Public Shelters Across Romania!
Publicly funded animal shelters in Romania do not make the necessary investments to improve their facilities because they lack official monitoring and continue to operate unsupervised and unpenalized. Most public shelters operate like a business because the authorities pay per dog euthanized, mistakenly believing that capture and euthanasia help reduce the stray population.
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Justice for Hope and her puppies
Hope is the mother of 8 pups. She lived on the streets. She and her 8 pups lived from food scraps. One day, a man attacked Hope by strangling her with his bare hands. Annoyed that Hope didn’t die, he hanged her from a tree for several minutes. Meanwhile, her babies were waiting, crying and hungry, for her mom to come back. Hope was unconscious for a few minutes, and when she regained consciousness, Hope crawled under a building’s ruins where her babies were hiding.
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Help us free captive animals in Romania!
In Romania, animals such as wolves, snakes, bears, monkeys, and lions are illegally owned by individuals for hobby and profit. These animals have been smuggled into the country or trafficked further abroad without regard for their wellbeing. Sign to release wild animals kept illegal in captivity by individuals for entertainment! Free Captive Animals in Romania!
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Petition agains fireworks
Every year, animals suffer from the use of fireworks. Most of them feel distressed during the New Year Celebrations and need special attention, many run away from home, while the strays get injured or even killed by them.
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Help ROLDA break the dog chains!
The practice of keeping dogs in chains is classified as animal abuse. It causes physical harm as the chains dig into the dog’s flesh, it keeps them in insanitary conditions, and being constantly restricted traumatizes them.
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Help Us Close Down the Illegal Public Shelters Across Romania!
Publicly funded animal shelters in Romania do not make the necessary investments to improve their facilities because they lack official monitoring and continue to operate unsupervised and unpenalized. Most public shelters operate like a business because the authorities pay per dog euthanized, mistakenly believing that capture and euthanasia help reduce the stray population.
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Justice for Hope and her puppies
Hope is the mother of 8 pups. She lived on the streets. She and her 8 pups lived from food scraps. One day, a man attacked Hope by strangling her with his bare hands. Annoyed that Hope didn’t die, he hanged her from a tree for several minutes. Meanwhile, her babies were waiting, crying and hungry, for her mom to come back. Hope was unconscious for a few minutes, and when she regained consciousness, Hope crawled under a building’s ruins where her babies were hiding.
Sign petition
Help us free captive animals in Romania!
In Romania, animals such as wolves, snakes, bears, monkeys, and lions are illegally owned by individuals for hobby and profit. These animals have been smuggled into the country or trafficked further abroad without regard for their wellbeing. Sign to release wild animals kept illegal in captivity by individuals for entertainment! Free Captive Animals in Romania!
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Petition agains fireworks
Every year, animals suffer from the use of fireworks. Most of them feel distressed during the New Year Celebrations and need special attention, many run away from home, while the strays get injured or even killed by them.
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Items that can save a pet life
Get ROLDA materials for your own pet’s safety, or to make a public statement and remind others about animals cause, or to offer them as a gift to someone who has a pet.

Make sure that your pet will be safe in case of a health emergency
Get your free “Pet home alone” pocket card

In case of a disaster, this will help rescuers find and save your pets
Get your free “Pet rescue decal”

Stickers collection
Why to order your auto sticker today?
1. because it’s a message/campaign you care about
2. to make a public statement in your community
3. to offer it as a gift to someone who has a pet
Together, we transform the future for dogs like Hope

Hope with her pups in Tulcea

Hope rehabilitation at ROLDA shelter

Hope rehomed in Sweden
Rescued in Romania, loved around the World: Uplifting stories from people who found a forever best friend in our shelters. Read some testimonials!

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Are YOU ready to be part of something HUGE?!
It’s free, good for the soul, and you’d be saving lives!
Help for animals in need from Romania.
Why continue to support us?
Animal helped
Animals sterilized
Animal adopted
Social cases
From your Home, for their Freedom
Write, click, or call to help an animal right now. Every action you take builds momentum in the fight to save animals from pointless cruelty and suffering.

Make the Pledge
For the countless animals cruelly locked in local public shelters, away from a compassionate world,
I still care about your freedom.
For millions of dogs who live each day of their life in a chain,
I promise you that I will fight until you will be unchain.
For each homeless animal that can be prevented to die at every 15 minutes, or remains crippled for life, after being hit by car on the roads,
You do not deserve this pain.
For the thousands of dogs, victims of illegal transports from East to West countries in Europe,
I pledge to keep fighting for animal rights and demand laws to be respected
I remain committed to achieving our unstoppable mission: to end animal cruelty and abuses and to create a safer future for the voiceless in my lifetime.
What ROLDA stands for:



