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Help us protect dogs against fireworks

Every year, the number of animals injured and killed by fireworks continues to increase dramatically.

According to the RSPCA, “62 percent of dogs, 54 percent of cats, 55 percent of horses show signs of distress during fireworks.

Year-round, animal rescue organizations, including ROLDA, receive hundreds of calls about animals who have been injured by fireworks.

28110 have signed

Ban Fireworks for animals safety

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ROLDA has received calls about:
– pet dogs who have escaped frightenedly from their leashes or yards after
hearing unregulated and unplanned fireworks
– stray dogs and cats who have been injured or killed by unregulated fireworks
– farm animals and wildlife who have been severely injured by fireworks
– domestic and wild birds who have abandoned their nests after a fireworks’ display

These defenseless animals need to stop suffering the consequences of people’s cruel, irresponsible, and inconsiderate behavior involving fireworks.

Constant awareness campaigns explaining the harmful consequences of fireworks on animals have proven ineffective.

People continue to purchase fireworks for their pleasure without thinking of the harm it causes animals, and sometimes with the intent to cause harm.
There is no doubt that fireworks are used by some people as tools of intimidation and violence against animals, and the only solution to this ongoing problem is the immediate ban of fireworks access to private citizens.

ROLDA continues to protest vehemently against the production and distribution of pyrotechnic materials. Numerous online petitions to ban or regulate fireworks continue to be dismissed, but we will not stop until the necessary changes are made.

Cases like Frankie’s

Frankie was rescued by ROLDA on New Year’s Eve 2018. She was a stray dog who had been struck by fireworks. The fur on her head had been completely burnt off, and she suffered severe burns on her scalp. She was shaking with fear and overwhelmed with shock. Her beautiful face was covered with blood and fragments of burnt skin.

Frankie’s injuries and suffering could have been avoided if stricter fireworks regulations had been asserted.

But please keep in mind that it is not only stray animals who suffer distress or injury from fireworks

Domestic pets are also vulnerable to the insufferable noises caused by fireworks even though they are indoors. Zoo animals are also exposed to loud explosions and are offered no respite. Wild animals are also affected by the noise, but they are also victims of fireworks-related injuries – both intentional and accidental.

Wildlife is also at risk of losing their habitat due to fires caused by fireworks.
The number of animals affected is staggering. This is unnecessary suffering that can be easily avoided with your intervention. Again, we ask that you please review, regulate, and reform the current fireworks policy to protect animals from getting injured and distressed.

Animals need protection from the harmful effects of fireworks, otherwise, they will only continue to suffer.
We need change! Now!

Sign the petition to help ROLDA ban fireworks in Romania.

Help us transform future for dogs like Frankie!


Thanks to amazing people like you, we rescue Frankie, offered her the treatment and sheltering, and found her a perfect home in Sweden.

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